Butte County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article IV. Adult Business Regulation* |
§ 15-112. Location restrictions.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or other county ordinance, no adult business (excluding an adult hotel/motel) shall be established or operated in any zone in the county other than the M-1 (light industrial) and M-2 (heavy industrial) zones.
An adult hotel/motel may be established or operated in any zone in the county where hotels and motels are generally allowed under the chapter 24 of the Code as a principal permitted use, subject to the location and distance requirements set forth in subsection (c).
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code or other county ordinance, no adult business shall be established or operated within certain distances of certain specified land uses or zones as follows: (i) No such business shall be located within one thousand (1,000) feet of any other adult business (including those located in both the unincorporated and incorporated areas of the county); and (ii) No such business shall be located within one thousand (1,000) feet from any existing residential zone, park, bar, liquor store, church or school (including those zones and uses located in both the unincorporated and incorporated areas of the county). These location restrictions shall app1y to both existing and new adult businesses, including existing nonconforming adult businesses.
The distances set forth above shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point on the property line of the adult business to the nearest point on the property line of the subject residential zone or park or the subject bar, liquor store, church, school or other adult business, without regard to intervening structures.
Adult businesses shall be prohibited in any zone except as expressly authorized above.
(Ord. No. 3619, § 4, 7-25-2000)