§ 1-17.6. Use of the county seal.
The Seal of the County of Butte is a symbol of the County government and shall not be used for purposes unrelated to County business. The following uses of the County Seal by County officials, department heads and employees are approved uses:
County stationery and forms;
County packaging;
County advertising and promotions;
County signs and apparel;
County-created institutional literature;
County transportation and related equipment; and
County buildings, equipment and property.
The County Seal or any reproduction or facsimile of the County Seal shall not be affixed to any object and/or displayed in any manner not set forth above unless the use has been approved by the Chief Administrative Officer or the Board of Supervisors.
Requests to use the County Seal in a manner not set forth above shall be submitted in writing to the County Administrative Officer for approval or disapproval.
County officials, department heads and employees are authorized to use an alternative design to the County Seal when it best serves the graphic design for any of the uses stated above. The alternative design shall correspond substantially with the following representation thereof:
The Chief Administrative Officer, or his or her designee, may approve modifications to the County Seal for County advertising and promotions.
Requests to modify the County Seal shall be submitted in writing to the County Administrative Officer for approval or disapproval.
The Board of Supervisors may also approve the use of the County Seal for any purpose if the use is approved by the Board of Supervisors at a duly noticed and convened meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
It is a violation of this section for any person to use or allow to be used any reproduction or facsimile of the County Seal in a manner not set forth in this section or as approved by the Chief Administrative Officer or Board of Supervisors, or as prohibited in California Elections Code Section 18304.
Violations are subject to the general penalties contained in Section 1-7 and as defined in California Elections Code Section 18304.
(Ord. No. 3996, § 2, 2-10-09; Ord. No. 4085, § 1, 8-26-14)