Butte County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 24. ZONING |
Article II. Zoning Districts, Land Uses, and Development Standards |
Division 2. Natural Resource Zones |
§ 24-15. Purpose of the natural resource zones.
Timber Mountain (TM). The purpose of the TM zone is to preserve Butte County's valuable timber resources and to protect both the economic and environmental value of these lands. Standards for the TM zone are intended to support the growing and harvesting of timber, pulp woods, and other forestry products for commercial purposes. Permitted uses include logging, timber processing, crop cultivation, agricultural processing, and the management of forest lands for timber operations and animal grazing. Extractive uses that are generally compatible with forestry operations, including mining and oil and gas extraction, are conditionally permitted in the TM zone. The minimum permitted parcel size in the TM zone is one hundred sixty (160) acres. The TM zone allows for one (1) single-family home per parcel. The TM zone implements the Timber Mountain land use designation in the General Plan.
Timber Production (TPZ). The purpose of the TPZ zone is to preserve and protect land where timber is actively being grown and harvested, as well as minimize impacts to neighboring uses from active timber operations.
The California Forest Taxation Reform Act of 1976 places values on bare land that is related to its ability to grow trees, and it substitutes a percent tax on the value of timber at the time of harvest ("yield" tax) for the annual property tax on the trees. In exchange for this tax benefit, landowners dedicate their timberland to timber growing and compatible uses for a period of at least ten (10) years. Unless terminated by the County or landowner, these ten (10) years renew each year, thus creating a rolling minimum or self-perpetuating ten (10) year commitment (California Board of Equalization, 2000). Lands zoned in this manner are called Timberland Production Zones (TPZ).
Permitted uses include logging, timber processing, crop cultivation, the management of forest lands for timber operations and animal grazing, and compatible uses, which are uses that are determined to not significantly detract from the use of the property for, or inhibit, growing and harvesting timber. Extractive uses that are generally compatible with forestry operations, including mining and oil and gas extraction, are conditionally permitted in the TPZ zone. Minimum parcel size and development standards for development in the TPZ zone are generally equivalent to the TM zone. The TPZ zone implements the Timber Mountain land use designation in the General Plan.
Resource Conservation (RC). The purpose of the RC zone is to protect and preserve natural, wilderness, and scientific study areas that are critical to environmental quality within Butte County. Standards for the RC zone are intended to protect sensitive natural resources and to provide limited recreational and commercial recreational uses for the enjoyment of Butte County residents and visitors. Permitted land uses in the RC zone include livestock grazing and limited recreational and commercial recreational uses that do not detract from the area's value for habitat, open space, or research. The minimum permitted parcel size in the RC zone is forty (40) acres. The RC zone allows for one (1) single-family home per parcel. The RC zone implements the Resource Conservation land use designation in the General Plan. Mining may be considered by a Mining Permit in this zone when it will result in an improvement or no degradation of the habitat area as the end use pursuant to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act.
(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13)