§ 24-21. Purpose of the commercial and mixed use zones.  

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  • A.

    General Commercial (GC). The purpose of the GC zone is to allow for a full range of retail, service, and office uses to serve residents, workers, and visitors. Standards for the GC zone are intended to ensure that a diversity of commercial uses are available within convenient locations throughout the county. Permitted uses include general retail, personal services, professional offices, restaurants, gas and service stations, hotels and motels, and other similar commercial uses. Multiple-family dwellings, vehicle repair, light manufacturing, and warehousing and storage are permitted in the GC zone with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Single-family homes are not permitted in the GC zone. The maximum permitted floor area ratio in the GC zone is four-tenths (0.4). The GC zone implements the Retail and Office land use designation in the General Plan.


    Neighborhood Commercial (NC). The purpose of the NC zone is to allow for retail and service uses that meet the daily needs of nearby residents and workers. Standards for the NC zone are intended to reduce the need to drive by providing everyday goods and services close to where people live and work, and by allowing for centers of neighborhood activity that support small, businesses. Permitted uses in the NC zone are similar to the GC zone, except that vehicle repair, light manufacturing, and warehousing and storage uses are not allowed. The maximum permitted floor area ratio in the NC zone is three-tenths (0.3). The NC zone implements the Retail and Office land use designation in the General Plan.


    Community Commercial (CC). The purpose of the CC zone is to allow for retail and service uses in proximity to residents in rural areas of the county. Standards in the CC zone are intended to increase rural residents' access to retail products and services and to reduce the need for residents of remote communities to drive long distances to meet basic needs. Permitted uses include general retail, personal services, professional offices, restaurants, hotels and motels, and other similar commercial uses. Dwelling units are permitted in the CC zone. The maximum permitted floor area ratio in the CC zone is two-tenths (0.2). The CC zone implements the Retail and Office land use designation in the General Plan.


    Recreation Commercial (REC). The purpose of the REC zone is to allow for unique recreation and tourism-related uses to serve County residents and visitors. Standards in the REC zone are intended to allow for only those uses that are consistent with this objective. Conditionally permitted uses in the REC zone include golf courses and country clubs, parks and recreational facilities, RV parks, marinas, resorts and vacation cabins, restaurants, retail, and other similar uses. The maximum permitted floor area ratio in the REC zone is four-tenths (0.4). The REC zone implements the Recreation Commercial land use designation in the General Plan.


    Sports and Entertainment (SE). The purpose of the SE zone is to allow for sports and entertainment uses, including sports facilities, golf courses, theaters, and amphitheaters, as well as a range of related commercial uses that are compatible with the Sports and Entertainment zone. The related uses may include localized retail, commercial retail, and service establishments. The maximum permitted floor area ratio in the SE zone is four-tenths (0.4). The SE zone implements the Sports and Entertainment land use designation in the General Plan. The Sports and Entertainment designation was enacted under Butte County Ordinance 3570, where additional information concerning this designation may be found. This designation is unique to several parcels of approximately one hundred (100) acres located in Butte Valley near the intersections of Highway 70 and Highway 191 (Clark Road).


    Mixed Use (MU). The purpose of the MU zone is to allow for a mixture of residential and commercial land uses located close to one (1) another, either within a single building, on the same parcel, or on adjacent parcels. Standards in the MU zone are intended to reduce reliance on the automobile, create pedestrian-oriented environments, and support social interaction by allowing residents to work or shop within walking distance to where they live. Permitted commercial uses include general retail, personal services, restaurants, professional offices, and other similar uses. Permitted residential density in the MU zone ranges from a minimum of six (6) dwelling units per acre to a maximum of twenty (20) dwelling units per acre. The maximum permitted floor area ratio in the MU zone ranges from three-tenths (0.3) to five-tenths (0.5). The MU zone implements the Mixed Use land use designation in the General Plan.

(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13; Ord. No. 4105, § 1, 1-12-16 )