§ 24-45. Unique agriculture overlay zone.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. The Unique Agriculture (-UA) overlay zone is intended to support and enhance Butte County's family farms, unique crops, or historic ways of farming by maintaining viable small-scale/historic agricultural operations and their essential rural setting in unique Rural Residential, Foothill Residential and Agricultural areas of the county. The -UA overlay zone accommodates a variety of uses developed at a scale that is complementary and accessory to unique agricultural pursuits. It encourages residents and visitors to learn more about agriculture in the county by allowing educational and tourism uses on working farms. This overlay zone also includes provisions to protect adjacent residential and agricultural uses.


    Applicability. The -UA overlay zone may be combined with the Agriculture (AG), Rural Residential (RR), and Foothill Residential (FR) zones.


    Use Regulations. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses in the -UA overlay zone are the same as the base zone, except as specified below.


    Permitted Uses. The following uses are permitted as-of-right in the -UA overlay zone:


    Bed and breakfasts (maximum one (1) per parcel).


    Farm tours.




    Special events, such as farm trail events, weddings, concerts, parties, educational classes, corporate events and other similar activities.


    Special Events - Maximum Number of Attendees. The following table provides maximum number of attendees at special events in the -UA overlay zone, based parcel size:

    Total Parcel Size (Acres) Maximum Number of Attendees (Peak)
    1.0 — 2.5 50 people [1] [2] [3]
    2.51 — 5.0 100 people [1] [2] [3]
    5.01 — 10.0 200 people [1] [2] [3]
    10.01 — 20.0 300 people [1] [2] [3] [4]
    Over 20 acres 350 people [1] [2] [3] [4]




    Permitted as an accessory use.


    Outdoor activities are limited to Sunday through Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.; and Friday, Saturday and Holidays 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Indoor activities are permitted without restriction as to day or time.


    Noise levels shall not exceed sixty (60) decibels (maximum) as measured at the nearest property line.


    Individual events for up to four hundred (400) people approved through an Administrative Permit.


    Agriculture-related museums.


    Public tasting rooms for unique agricultural products produced within the -UA overlay zone.


    Cooking demonstrations and food and wine parings not sold for consumption. The sale of catered food by licensed vendors. Vending machines and the sale of commercial pre-packaged foods.


    Growing and harvesting of unique agricultural products as defined by Article VII, Division 1 (Glossary).


    On-site fruit and vegetable picking of unique agricultural products.


    Interactive animal displays (petting farms).


    Processing, bottling or packaging of unique agricultural products produced within the Unique Agriculture Overlay.


    Sale of unique agricultural products or merchandise related to the region.


    Picnic areas.




    Other similar uses determined by the Zoning Administrator to be consistent with the purpose and intent of the -UA overlay zone as allowed by Section 24-8 (Rules of Interpretation).


    Minor Use Permit Required. The following uses are permitted in the -UA overlay zone with the approval of a Minor Use Permit.


    Small restaurants or cafes (16 seats or less) showcasing locally grown foods.


    Uses Not Allowed. Medical Offices and Clinics shall not be allowed in the Unique Agriculture Overlay Zone.


    Development and Operational Standards.


    Limitation on Processing Activities. Permitted agricultural processing activities are limited to products grown, cultivated, or produced within the -UA overlay zone.


    Signs. Farm and Farm Trail signs that comply with the standards contained in Table 24-105-3 (Allowed Signs in Agriculture and Natural Resources Zones) shall be permitted in the -UA overlay zone by Administrative Permit.


    Parking. Minimum on-site parking required for uses with the -UA overlay zone are specified in Section 24-93 (On-Site Parking Requirements). Required parking for uses not listed in Section 24-93 shall be as determined by the Zoning Administrator, consistent with Section 24-8 (Rules of Interpretation).


    Hours of Operation. Retail sales and similar commercial activities may be conducted only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise approved as part of a Minor Use Permit.


    Tour Buses and Vans. Tour buses and vans shall not idle more than ten (10) minutes per hour on-site within the -UA overlay zone, so as to minimize noise and air quality impacts to the area. Buses and tour vans shall be provided with adequate off-street parking and turn-around areas.

(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13)