§ 24-145. Erosion control.  

Latest version.
  • The following erosion control standards shall apply to all development projects in all urban zones:


    The smallest area practical of land shall be exposed at any one (1) time during development;


    When land is exposed during development, the exposure shall be kept to the shortest practical period of time;


    Natural features such as trees, groves, natural terrain, waterways, and other similar resources shall be preserved where feasible;


    Temporary vegetation or mulching shall be used to protect critical areas exposed during development;


    The permanent final vegetation and structures shall be installed as soon as practical in the development;


    Wherever feasible the development shall be fitted to the topography and soils to create the least erosion potential;


    Provisions shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased runoff caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development as specified in Chapter 50, Stormwater Management and Discharge Control; and


    Sediment basins (debris basins, desalting basins, or silt traps) shall be installed and maintained to remove sediment from runoff waters from land undergoing development where needed.

(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13)