§ 24-94. General requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Use and Availability.


    All on-site parking facilities shall be designed and maintained to be fully usable for the duration of the use.


    Areas required to meet applicable parking requirements may not be used for any other purpose.


    Parking for Persons with Disabilities.


    Parking facilities shall be properly designed, constructed, and maintained to provide for access by the physically disabled from public rights-of-way, across intervening parking spaces, and into structures.


    The number of parking spaces for the disabled shall be as required by the California Building Code, the Federal Accessibility Guidelines, and the California Code of Regulations (Title 24, Article II, Chapter 2-71).


    Parking spaces required for the disabled shall count toward compliance with the number of parking spaces required by Table 24-93-1 (On-Site Parking Requirements).


    Parking for Motorcycles.


    The minimum number of motorcycle parking areas shall be provided as shown in Table 24-94-1 (Motorcycle Parking Requirements).

    Number of Automobile Spaces Required Number of Motorcycle Parking Areas Required
    1 — 25 spaces None required
    26 — 100 spaces One area
    Over 100 spaces One area for each additional 100 automobile spaces or portion thereof



    One (1) motorcycle parking area may count towards fulfilling the requirement for one (1) automobile parking space.


    A motorcycle parking area shall be a minimum of fifty-six (56) square feet in area and a minimum eight (8) feet wide in its longest dimension.


    All motorcycle parking areas shall have bollards installed and appropriately spaced to prevent automobile usage. Motorcycle parking areas shall be clearly marked.


    Motorcycle parking areas shall be paved with concrete to prevent damage from motorcycle kick and center stands.


    Off-Site Parking.


    The County may approve required parking off-site if a covenant for the maintenance and continued use of such parking facilities is approved by County Counsel and filed with the County Recorder. The covenant shall state that the off-site parking spaces will remain available for the duration of the use that it is to serve.


    Off-site parking shall be located no more than two hundred (200) feet from the site of the use that it is intended to serve or as close to this standard as possible.


    Reductions to the Required Number. Required on-site parking as specified in Table 24-93-1 (On-Site Parking Requirements) may be reduced with Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission may grant a reduction in required parking when one (1) or more of the following conditions exist:


    Shared Parking. Multiple uses may use joint parking facilities when operations for the uses are not normally conducted during the same hours, or when hours of peak use differ. Requests for the use of shared parking may be approved if:


    A parking demand study approved by the Zoning Administrator demonstrates that there will be no substantial conflicts between the uses' principal hours of operation and periods of peak parking demand;


    The total number of parking spaces required for the uses does not exceed the number of parking spaces anticipated at periods of maximum use; and


    The proposed joint parking facility is not located farther than four hundred (400) feet from the uses which it serves.


    Low Demand. The number of parking spaces may be reduced if the use will not utilize the required number of spaces due to the nature of the specific use, as demonstrated by a parking demand study approved by the Zoning Administrator.


    Transportation Management Plan. The number of required parking spaces may be decreased, subject to Planning Commission approval of an alternate commute mode awareness plan.


    Bus Stop/Transportation Facility Credit. Required parking spaces may be reduced by up to five (5) percent for a commercial or multiple-family development project within one thousand five hundred (1,500) feet of a transportation facility.


    Mixed-Use Projects. If supported by a parking use study approved by the Zoning Administrator, a mixed-use project with commercial and residential units may reduce parking requirements up to fifty (50) percent for either the commercial or residential use, whichever parking requirement is smaller. A mixed-use project with both office and commercial uses may reduce parking requirements up to seventy-five (75) percent for either the office or commercial uses, whichever parking requirement is smaller.

(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13)