§ 24-171. Residential generator noise.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. This section establishes minimum requirements for the operation of residential generators. These requirements are intended to reduce noise levels in residential areas and protect the health, property, and well-being of Butte County residents and visitors.


    Applicability. This section shall apply to the operation of residential generators. This section does not apply to Limited Density Owner-Built Rural Dwellings as defined in the California Building Code. Allowable noise levels for Limited Density Owner-Built Rural Dwellings are defined under Article VI, Chapter 26 of the Butte County Code.




    Noise Levels. Noise shall be regulated pursuant to Chapter 41A. Noise Control.


    Installation. Permanent generators shall be permanently secured on a minimum 3½-inch thick concrete slab extending a minimum of two (2) feet beyond the generator on all sides, or shall be anchored as required in the manufacturer's installation instructions to prevent vibration.


    Compliance with Noise Standard. Residential generators not meeting the standards set forth under Chapter 41A. Noise Control shall be brought into compliance in any of the following ways:


    Cessation of operation;


    Retrofitting of the generator with a manufacturer-approved muffler or exhaust silencer;


    Repair of the generator;


    Replacement of the generator with a conforming generator; or


    Enclosure of the generator in conformance with Subsection (D) of this section.


    Enclosure. If needed to comply with the maximum or hourly decibel level, generators shall be enclosed in a sound reduction enclosure approved by the Building Official. This enclosure shall be constructed consistent with published County guidelines for generator noise reduction, or may be a commercially manufactured enclosure. Generator enclosures shall reduce noise to the level required by this section. Enclosures shall be constructed to meet current California Building Code standards, shall provide a minimum of thirty (30) inches of interior structural clearance to allow access on all sides of the generator, and shall be adequately ventilated and vented. The Department of Development Services shall publish and maintain guidelines for the construction of effective generator noise reduction enclosures.


    Exceptions. The standards of this section are not applicable to generator noise from the following sources:


    The use of any generator related to or connected with an emergency, in order to protect life or property; or during a temporary power outage; and


    The operation of any generator for commercial agricultural use.

(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13)