Butte County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 24. ZONING |
Article IV. Supplemental Use Regulations |
Division 2. Telecommunication Facilities |
§ 24-183. Standards for types of facilities.
Building Facade Mounted Facilities.
All portions of facilities projecting above the roof parapet or roof line shall be screened or hidden from view.
The total area of all facility panels shall not exceed the greater of ten (10) percent of the square footage of the facade of the building or twenty-five (25) square feet per facade, whichever is less.
All equipment shelters, cabinets, or other structures utilized or built in connection with the facility shall be located within the building being utilized for the facility, or on the ground outside of any setback area or required vehicle parking space, or on the roof, if screened.
The lowest portion of all facilities shall be located a minimum of twenty (20) feet above grade level.
No portion of the facility shall project out in any direction more than eighteen (18) inches from the facade of the building.
Facilities shall be constructed or mounted and painted to blend with the predominant architecture of the building or shall appear to be part of the building to which the facility is attached.
Roof Mounted Facilities.
All equipment shelters, cabinets, or structures utilized or built in connection with the facilities shall be located within the building being utilized for the antenna, or on the ground outside of any setback area or required vehicle parking space, or on the roof, if visually screened.
Facilities affixed to towers located on the roof of buildings shall be located as close to the center of the roof as feasibly and aesthetically possible, and the height of the tower shall not exceed twenty (20) feet above the roof top.
Monopoles or Towers.
New monopoles or towers proposed in or within one thousand (1,000) feet of agriculture and residential zones require written notice, in a manner approved by the Zoning Administrator, to be given to owners of parcels located within a minimum radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of the parcel on which the proposed monopole or tower will be located.
Monopoles or towers in agriculture or residential zones shall not exceed thirty (30) feet in height except when:
No feasible alternative site exists; and
A denial would constitute a prohibition on the provision of the affected wireless communications service in violation of federal or State law.
The burden of proof shall be on the applicant to establish both conditions described in Subsection 2 above.
(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13; Ord. No. 4091, § 1, 1-27-15)