§ 24-189. Review and decision-making authority.  

Latest version.
  • Table 24-189-1 (Review and Decision-Making Authority) identifies the roles of each decision-making authority on each type of permit and approval required by the Zoning Ordinance.

    Type of Action Applicable Ordinance Article Role of Authority[1]
    Zoning Administrator [2] Planning Commission Board of Supervisors
    Legislative Actions
    Development Agreements 40 - Recommend Decision
    Zoning Ordinance/Zoning Map Amendments 38 - Recommend Decision
    General Plan Amendments 39 - Recommend Decision
    Permits and Approvals
    Conditional Use Permits 31 - Decision Appeal
    Minor Use Permits 31 Decision Appeal Appeal
    Variances 32 - Decision Appeal
    Minor Variances 32 Decision Appeal Appeal
    Density Bonuses 23 Recommend Decision Appeal
    Reasonable Accommodations 33 Decision Appeal Appeal
    Interpretation of Zoning Ordinance 2 Decision Appeal Appeal
    Zoning Clearance 28 Decision Appeal Appeal
    Administrative Permits 29 Decision Appeal Appeal




    "Recommend" means that the review authority makes a recommendation to a higher decision making body; "Decision" means that the review authority makes the final decision on the matter; "Appeal" means that the review authority shall consider and decide upon appeals to the decision of an earlier decision-making body, in compliance with Article VI, Division 3 (Appeals and Calls for Review).


    The Zoning Administrator may refer to the Planning Commission for review and final decision any action which the Zoning Administrator believes warrants the scrutiny and discretion of the Planning Commission.

(Ord. No. 4062, § 1, 9-10-13)