§ 26-22. Permits.
Additional requirements in flood hazard zones and the two hundred-year floodplain. Within flood hazard Zones A, AE, AH and AO, on the official maps there are additional requirements in conjunction with the issuance of development permits for new construction, substantial improvements and other developments, including the placement of manufactured homes and pre-fabricated buildings, as set forth in this article and subsection (b) below. Within the two hundred-year floodplain shown on the official two hundred-year floodplain maps, additional requirements apply to County approval of any new development or use involving development agreements, discretionary building permits or entitlements, ministerial permits for construction of a new residence, or tentative subdivision or parcel maps for a project, as set forth in this article and subsection (c) below. These permits cannot be issued until specific findings are made and approved by the floodplain administrator, as set forth in Section 26-24 (c).
Application. To obtain a development permit in said zones, the applicant shall first file an application therefore in writing on a county form furnished for that purpose by the department of Development Services and approved by the director of Development Services. Every such application shall:
Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made;
Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by lot, block, tract and house and street address, or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed building or work;
Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended;
Be accompanied by plans and specifications for the proposed development drawn to scale, and showing the dimensions and elevation of the site on which the proposed work is to be done, existing and/or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials and drainage facilities;
Be signed by the permittee or his authorized agent who may be required to submit evidence to indicate such authority;
Be accompanied by:
The proposed National Geodetic Vertical Datum ("NGVD") elevation of the lowest floor of all structures or, in the case of any nonresidential structure which will be floodproofed, the proposed NGVD elevation to which it will be floodproofed; or
In AO zones, the minimum vertical distance above the highest adjacent grade for the lowest floor;
Be accompanied by all appropriate certifications required for lowest floor elevations for all structures, floodproofing of nonresidential structures, wet floodproofing and floodway encroachments;
Give such other information as reasonably may be required by the county.
Application. To obtain a development permit in a two hundred-year floodplain, the applicant shall first file an application therefore in writing on a county form furnished for that purpose by the Department of Development Services and approved by the Director of Development Services. Every such application shall:
Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made;
Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by lot, block, tract and house and street address, or similar description that will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed building or work;
Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended;
Be accompanied by plans and specifications for the proposed development drawn to scale, and showing the dimensions and elevation of the site on which the proposed work is to be done, existing and/or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials and drainage facilities;
Be signed by the permittee or his authorized agent who may be required to submit evidence to indicate such authority;
Be accompanied by:
The proposed National Geodetic Vertical Datum ("NGVD") elevation of the lowest floor of all structures or, in the case of any nonresidential structure which will be flood proofed, the proposed NGVD elevation to which it will be flood proofed; or
The minimum vertical distance above the highest adjacent grade for the lowest floor; and;
Documentation of a study indicating whether the flood depths that would occur in a two hundred-year flood event would be equal to or greater than three (3) feet in depth compared to the proposed NGVD elevation, if flood-depth information is not available from the County for the project location. Any study provided must be consistent with Department of Water Resources modeling assumptions.
Give such other information as reasonably may be required by the county.
(Ord. No. 2343, § 1, 3-18-83; Ord. No. 2588, § 1, 4-7-87; Ord. No. 2775, § 2, 9-12-89; Ord. No. 3001, § 10, 5-5-92; Ord. No. 3270, § 3, 6-25-96; Ord. No. 3598, § 1, 4-11-00)
(Ord. No. 4041, § 1, 3-27-12; Ord. No. 4121 , § 7, 11-8-16)