§ 2-74. Powers and duties; general plan.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the duty of the members of the planning commission to inform themselves of the functions and duties of the commission and to that end, when authorized by the commission, may attend conferences of planning executives, hearings on the legislation affecting the general plan for the county, and reasonable traveling expenses incidental to such attendance shall be charged against such funds allocated to the commission. It is directed that the commission prepare or cause to be prepared necessary rules and regulations for the guidance of its meetings.

    It shall be the function of the planning commission to act as the planning agency in all matters pertaining to general plan amendments, zonings, specific plans, development agreements in accordance with Government Code section 65100, et seq.

    It shall be the function of the planning commission to prepare and adopt a comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the county and any land outside its boundaries which, in the planning commission's judgment, bears relation to its planning. Such plans shall be known as the general plan and shall be prepared in such a manner that the elements and parts thereof comprise an integrated and internally consistent and compatible statement of policies for the board of supervisors.

    The general plan shall be so prepared that all or individual elements of it may be adopted by the board of supervisors for all or part of the territory of the county in any format deemed appropriate or convenient by the board of supervisors, including the combining of elements.

    The general plan shall consist of a statement of development policies and shall include a diagram or diagrams and text setting forth objectives, principles, standards and plan proposals. The plan shall include the elements mandated by Government Code section 65302 as amended.

(Code 1952, § 100; Ord. No. 2484, § 15, 9-17-85)