§ 34B-1. Definitions.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
"Butane" means iso-butane, n-butane, and refined butane of any power.
"Canister" means a single container designed or used for the storage of butane under pressure.
"Code" means the Butte County Code.
"Customer" means any person who is sold or acquires butane from any Reseller during a transaction.
"Day" means calendar day.
"Person" means a corporation, co-partnership, or association as well as a natural person.
"Reseller" means any business, company, corporation, person, employee or associate selling products to any customer within the unincorporated areas of Butte County. It does not include any wholesaler engaged in a wholesale transaction.
"Sell" means to furnish, give away, exchange, transfer, deliver, surrender, distribute or supply, whether for monetary gain or other consideration.
"Transaction" means a purchase, sale, trade, loan, pledge, investment, gift, transfer, transmission, delivery, deposit, withdrawal, payment, exchange of currency, extension of credit, purchase or sale of any monetary instrument, or an electronic, magnetic or manual transfer between accounts or any other acquisition or disposition of property by whatever means effected.
"Wholesaler" means a person whose business is the selling of goods in gross to retail stores for purposes of resale.
(Ord. No. 4122 , § 2, 11-8-16)