§ 38A-5. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • Except where the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall govern the construction of this chapter:


    "Abatement" means mitigation or elimination of a fire hazard and such ongoing maintenance as is necessary to prevent the recurrence of a fire hazard.


    "Abatement Costs" means any costs or expenses reasonably related to the abatement of conditions which violate the Butte County Code, and shall include, but not be limited to, enforcement, investigation, collection and Administrative Costs, and the costs associated with the removal or correction of the violation.


    "Administrative Costs" shall include the cost of County staff time reasonably related to enforcement, for items including, but not limited to, site inspections, investigations, summaries, reports, notices, telephone contacts and correspondence, as well as time expended by Development Services, the Enforcement Officer and Auditor-Controller staff calculating the above costs and preparing itemized invoices showing such costs. Costs for travel time for inspections shall not be included.


    "Discing" means tilling the soil so as to turn under or remove vegetation by mechanical or hand operated methods including, but not limited to, tractor drawn soil tilling equipment, self propelled rototilling equipment or hand hoeing.


    "Firebreak" means a continuous area of land which is created and maintained in accordance with the requirements of section 38A-8 of this chapter.


    "Fire hazard" means that condition which exists when weeds, grass, rank growths and trimmings grow or accumulate upon real property and do, or will when dry, create a medium for the rapid spread of fire and therefore constitute a danger to property or persons.


    "Fire Chief" means the Fire Chief of the County of Butte or his or her designees.


    "Grass" means any herbaceous plant, cultivated or not, which will attain, when mature, such a height as to be a medium for the rapid spread of fire.


    "Mowing" means cutting or shredding weeds, grass and other vegetation by hand or mechanical methods.


    "Obstruction" means any material or object, including natural growing vegetation, which is placed or allowed to accumulate so as to interfere with fire suppression or the abatement of fire hazards.


    "Occupant" means an adult person or an entity having a possessory interest in real property. "Occupant" includes a tenant, resident or other person or entity having possession, use or control of the property.


    "Owner" means an adult person or an entity having an ownership interest in real property. "Owner" does not include persons having only a security interest in the property.


    "Rank growth" means vegetation of any type, cultivated or not, which has attained or will, if allowed to mature, attain such a height and density as to be a medium for the rapid spread of fire.


    "Rural lands" means those lands in the unincorporated area of the County of Butte which are not "urban lands" as defined below.


    "Urban lands" means:


    Those lands in the unincorporated area of the County of Butte which are inside the spheres of influence of the cities of Biggs, Chico, Gridley, Oroville and Paradise, as such spheres are established and amended from time to time by the Butte County local agency formation commission;


    Those lands outside said spheres of influence but within an approved subdivision which has lots six (6) acres in size or smaller, where fifty (50) percent or more of the lots within such subdivision have been developed and improved with residences;


    Those lands outside said spheres of influence but within the community of Palmero and within these geographical boundaries: North boundary of Ophir Road to the East boundary of South Villa Road to Occidental Avenue, to the South boundary of Palermo Road, to the West boundary of Wyman Avenue to Oroville city limits; and


    Those lands outside said spheres of influence but within the North Chico Specific Plan, within these geographical boundaries: North boundary of Rock Creek, North of Keefer Road, to the East boundary of Hicks Lane to the Chico city limit at the Chico Municipal Airport, to the South boundary of Sycamore Creek, to the West boundary of Highway 99.


    "Weed" means any plant, whether herbaceous or woody and of whatever height, except a tree, which grows wild.

(Ord. No. 3936, § 4 (part), 6-13-06)