Thirteen thousand six hundred ninety-six (13,696) homes were destroyed by the Camp
Fire in Paradise and surrounding unincorporated areas. This disaster has created a
need for housing on a scale that cannot be accommodated through the existing available
housing in Butte County. To meet the immediate need for housing, Butte County relaxed
some building and zoning regulations in a prior article to allow for additional temporary
housing outside of the Camp Fire affected area. However, this additional temporary
housing may not be sufficient to meet the large and immediate need. This article relaxes
some building and zoning regulations to allow for additional temporary housing inside
of the Camp Fire affected area. While public safety hazards are being mitigated, persons
moving back to the area do so at their own risk and should make themselves aware of
potential public safety hazards, including but not limited to falling trees or telephone
poles adjacent to the roadways and potable water issues. The article allows persons
to place temporary housing on an eligible property. The purpose of this article is
to develop reasonable standards that allow persons to move back into the Camp Fire
affected area while a massive debris removal program is implemented and, at the same
time, provide interim shelter for Butte County residents on private property during
this housing crisis.