Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) temporary housing sites authorized under
contract to FEMA are an allowed use in the MDR (Medium Density Residential), MHDR
(Medium High Density Residential), HDR (High Density Residential), RBP (Research and
Business Park), PD (Planned Development), P (Public), and Commercial and Industrial
zones; and, in AG (Agriculture) zones when an approved residential specific plan exists,
and when said specific plan is identified under the Butte County General Plan, or
in AG (Agriculture) zones located inside a city's approved sphere of influence that
are classified as grazing or other lands as defined by the State Farmland Mapping
and Monitoring Program and having a combined parcel size greater than twenty (20)
acres and subject to all additional requirements, such as the 300-foot agricultural
buffer, flood zones, and airport land use compatibility zones. Each FEMA temporary
housing site authorized under this article shall have been reviewed through the housing
identification process supported by the Disaster Recovery Operations Center, the Disaster
Recovery Housing Division, Federal Site Assessment, and approved by the Steering Committee.