§ 19B-6. Design flow and capacity.
No Person shall construct a Recycled Water Pond and no Recycled Water Pond shall be permitted under this chapter unless it complies with the following minimum design flow criteria:
Receives the flow from eight (8) single family residences or a minimum flow of two thousand five hundred (2,500) gallons per day for residential development; or
Receives more than one thousand (1,000) gallons per day for commercial development.
Design flows shall be approved by the LEA and the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board based upon consideration of the type of proposed development.
Determination of design capacity and pond sizing shall be based on mass balance calculations that take into consideration inflow and infiltration, incident precipitation, run-on, evapotranspiration, and evaporation.
Health or Safety Exception: Notwithstanding the minimum daily flow requirements specified herein, the Butte County Planning Commission may approve the construction and use of Recycled Water Ponds for smaller flows, subject to the Use Permit process as set forth in Chapter 24, when the following conditions are met:
The existing system is determined by the LEA to be unlawful, as defined in Chapter 19-4; and
A municipality or district sewage system is not reasonably available.
(Ord. No. 4078, § 1, 4-22-14)