§ 24-175.2. Special events facilities.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Purpose. This section establishes a permit process and standards for the development and operation of special event facilities accessory to an owner's primary residence, or manager's residence if the manager is responsible for running the special event facility, applicable to the zones identified below. These provisions are necessary to reduce impacts to surrounding properties so that special event facilities do not result in an incompatible land use.




    Special Event. A Special Event is a celebration, ceremony, wedding, reception, corporate function, or similar activity for the benefit of someone other than the property owner that takes place on a periodic basis, involving the gathering of individuals assembled for the common purpose of attending a special event. Uses that are accessory to a single-family residential use including private parties, gatherings, and similar activities that are not subject to a use agreement between a private individual or group and the homeowner are not defined as a special event and are not regulated under this section.


    Special Event Facility. A Special Event Facility is a facility where special events are permitted to occur under this section. Special event facilities are subject to a use agreement between a private group or individual and the facility owner. The facility owner may or may not charge a fee for the use of the facility such as for a fundraiser for a charitable non-profit organization. Facilities may operate entirely within a structure, outside of a structure, or both inside and outside a structure. Facilities must include improvements to accommodate special events, including access and circulation improvements, parking areas, water supplies and sewer systems, gathering areas, and other physical improvements necessary to accommodate special events.


    Applicability. The provisions set forth under this section apply in the AG (Agriculture), TM (Timber Mountain), RR (Rural Residential), FR (Foothill Residential), and VLDR (Very Low Density Residential) zones. This section does not apply to the special event permit process provided for under Section 24-175, Winery, Olive Oil, Fruit and Nut, Micro-Brewery and Micro-Distillery Production Facilities, including facilities permitted under County Ordinance No. 3815, Section 1 (Wineries), or Chapter 12, Article III, Outdoor Festivals.


    Exemptions. The following activities shall be exempt from the provisions of this section:


    Temporary Activities. Temporary activities defined under Section 24-174.


    Accessory Uses. Uses that are accessory to a single-family residential use including private parties, gatherings, and similar activities that are not subject to a use agreement between a private individual or group and the homeowner.


    Religious Facilities, as defined under the Zoning Ordinance.


    Parks and Recreational Facilities, as defined under the Zoning Ordinance.


    Permit Process. All Special Event Facilities as described under this section require the approval of a Minor Use Permit. The Minor Use Permit application shall include a detailed plot plan, description of all uses, an exhibit map showing the location and distance of the facility to the closest surrounding sensitive receptors such as single family residences and other housing types, and shall comply with the Special Event Facility Standards set forth under this chapter. The applicant shall submit a deposit in an amount necessary for the County to undertake a noise study and/or traffic and circulation study that will be completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).


    Special Event Facility Standards. Special event facilities are subject to the following operation and development standards at all times:


    Event Management Plan. Owner/operator shall maintain an event management plan that includes but is not limited to all applicable conditions of approval, approved Use Permit and plot plan, traffic management plan, exhibit map showing all closest surrounding sensitive receptors, and all other operational limitations. A copy of the event management plan shall be provided to the Department of Development Services and must be available for on-site inspection at all times.


    Noise Control.


    Noise Standards shall be regulated in accordance with Chapter 41.A Noise Control.


    The County may conduct field-testing to verify noise levels, or the County may require the operator to hire an acoustical consultant to conduct field-testing. For evaluating conformance with the standards of this section, noise levels shall be measured in accordance with Chapter 41A. Noise Control.


    Traffic and Circulation. The Minor Use Permit shall include a traffic management plan. The traffic management plan shall be approved for traffic safety by the Department of Public Works. The traffic management plan shall include the following requirements and standards:


    Approved access conforming to County improvement standards as determined by the Department of Public Works.


    Adequate ingress and egress shall be provided for all emergency vehicles to the satisfaction of the Butte County Fire Department and Public Works Department.


    The event site access connection to a County maintained road shall meet the minimum requirements as identified in the County Improvement Standards as determined by the Department of Public Works.


    A traffic control plan to ensure an orderly and safe arrival, parking, and departure of all vehicles and to ensure that traffic will not back-up or block private easements, county roads, intersections, or private driveways.


    A parking attendant(s) shall direct traffic into the facility and towards available parking during the arrival of guests. Attendants shall direct traffic leaving the facility at the conclusion of the event.


    The location of all temporary direction signs on driveway entrance and within parking lots to ensure orderly flow of traffic. Temporary directional signs shall be placed prior to all events and promptly removed at the conclusion of the event.


    Operational Limitations. The following operational limitations apply to all Special Event Facilities:


    Special Event facilities shall be operated accessory to the owner's primary residence or manager's residence if the manager is responsible for running the special event facility. No Special Events Facility shall be permitted where no residential use exists on the property.


    No special event facility shall be allowed to exceed an attendance level of five hundred (500) people, or last longer than two (2) days, not including set-up and take down.


    The special event duration shall not exceed twelve (12) hours per day, within an operational period limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except on Saturdays and Sundays, which are limited to a 9:00 a.m. start time.


    Public Health. Special Event Facilities shall provide a potable domestic water supply and an on-site sewage disposal or sewer service connection necessary to accommodate all special events to the satisfaction of the Public Health Department.


    Setbacks. The following setbacks shall be maintained at all times:


    No event facilities shall be located closer than thirty (30) feet from a property line, unless a greater distance is required under the zone or a greater distance is identified as being necessary under the minor use permit to ensure compatibility with surrounding sensitive receptors.


    All temporary structures such as tents, stages and dance floors shall abide by all setbacks, and their use must be identified on the plot plan.


    Lighting. All lighting shall comply with the following requirements:


    All outdoor lighting associated with the special event shall be turned off by 11:00 p.m. Parking lot lighting may remain on for a longer period if specified under the minor use permit.


    Outdoor Lighting Shall Comply With Article 14. Outdoor Lighting in order to reduce light trespass and glare. Outdoor lighting shall be located, adequately shielded, and directed such that no direct light falls outside the property line, or into the public right-of-way.


    Signage. All signage shall comply with the following requirements:


    One (1) sign up to twenty-four (24) square feet is permitted per facility, subject to the General Standards for signs set forth under Section 24-104.


    Temporary directional signage is allowed during event activities as well as to slow traffic if placed outside of the county right-of-way.


    The sign shall be a wall-mount or monument style, and shall not be internally illuminated or electronic but may be indirectly illuminated.


    Dust Control. Fugitive dust shall be minimized by reducing vehicle speeds on driveways and parking areas and, during visibly dry conditions, the application of water or other approved dust palliative.


    Parking. On-site parking shall be provided in accordance with the "Special Events" category under Article 19 (Parking and Loading): One (1) space per four (4) seats or one (1) space for every four (4) persons based upon maximum building occupancy, whichever is greater. Parking shall also be in accordance with Section 24-94(B), Parking for Persons with Disabilities.


    Neighbor Notification. Notification to neighbors of event scheduling shall be accomplished as follows:


    In lieu of the three hundred-foot notification required under Section 24-259(B)(1)(c) the Department of Development Services shall provide the mailed notification to all owners of real property within one thousand two hundred (1,200) feet of the exterior boundaries of the parcel that is subject to the hearing, thirty (30) days prior to the date of a hearing to consider a minor use permit.


    Development Standards Applicable to the Agriculture (AG) Zone. In addition to the Special Event Facility Standards as set forth under this chapter, the following additional standards shall apply to the Agriculture (AG) Zone:


    Special event facilities in the Agriculture (AG) zone shall be accessory to the agricultural use and the owner's, or manager's residence, if the manager is responsible for running the special event facility. No Special Events Facility shall be permitted where no residential use exists on the property.


    Special event facilities are permitted in Agriculture (AG) zones only when not requiring new permanent improvements and when not interfering with agricultural operations.


    Special event facilities shall not convert agricultural land to an alternative use for the purpose of developing or expanding a special event facility.


    Special event facilities shall be reviewed for compliance with any applicable Williamson Act Contract.


    An Agricultural Maintenance Plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 24-13(B).


    Special Event Facilities are not permitted on parcels that are less than ten (10) acres in size.


    Owner shall sign a declaration acknowledging the right-to-farm pursuant to Chapter 35 (Protection of Agricultural Land) indicating that facilities may be subject to inconveniences related to agricultural activities taking place on adjacent properties.


    Permit Revocation or Modification. Any permit may be revoked, or conditions of the approval modified, as provided for under Section 24-251.


    Complaints. Any person making a complaint relating to this section must file a complaint form provided by the Department of Development Services.


    Findings. The following factors shall be assessed in the processing and review of a minor use permit application pursuant to this section. No minor use permit application shall be granted unless the review authority finds that the special event facility, as approved:


    Complies with the standards and operational limitations set-forth under this section, and,


    Will not be incompatible with surrounding land uses:


    The design of the special events facility in terms of its physical and operating characteristics.


    The intensity of the use proposed and density of the surrounding area, including the size of the parcel proposed for the special event facility and the size of surrounding parcels.


    The distance to surrounding sensitive receptors, including residences, from the special event facility.


    The type of sound generated by the special event facility and whether the facility includes an allowance for amplified music, non-amplified music or no music, and the location where amplified and non-amplified music may take place.


    The location of noise producing activities such as stages, party areas, speakers, temporary tents, and dance floors, including whether such activities may take place entirely within enclosed structures, partially enclosed structures, or in outdoor areas and their proximity to surrounding sensitive receptors.


    The allowed number of events per year, frequency of events, and allowed number of guests that may occupy the site at any given time.

(Ord. No. 4093, § 1, 3-24-15)