Editor's note
—Ord. No. 1724, § 1, enacted June 15, 1976, amended this Code by repealing former
art. VI, §§ 2-27—2-38 and enacting in lieu thereof provisions pertaining to the same subject matter
codified herein as §§ 2-27—2-37. Former art. VI, §§ 2-27—2-38 were derived from Ord. No. 729, § 2—13; Ord. No. 816; Ord. No. 1098, enacted
June 30, 1970, and Ord. No. 1318, § 2—4 enacted Jan. 16,1973.
Cross reference
—Duties, etc., of county administrative officer in connection with personnel system,
§ 2.20.4
State law reference
—County officers generally, Gov. C., § 2400.