Butte County |
Code of Ordinances |
Article III. Emergency Interim Housing Outside the Camp Fire Area |
§ 53-34. Residential use of recreational vehicles and temporary dwellings.
FEMA Temporary Housing Sites. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) temporary housing sites authorized under contract to FEMA are an allowed use in the MDR (Medium Density Residential), MHDR (Medium High Density Residential), HDR (High Density Residential), RBP (Research and Business Park), PD (Planned Development), P (Public), and Commercial and Industrial zones; and, in AG (Agriculture) zones when an approved residential specific plan exists, and when said specific plan is identified under the Butte County General Plan, or in AG (Agriculture) zones located inside a city's approved sphere of influence that are classified as grazing or other lands as defined by the State Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program and having a combined parcel size greater than twenty (20) acres and subject to all additional requirements, such as the three hundred (300) foot agricultural buffer, flood zones, and airport land use compatibility zones. Each FEMA temporary housing site authorized under this article shall have been reviewed through the housing identification process supported by the Disaster Recovery Operations Center, the Disaster Recovery Housing Division, Federal Site Assessment, and approved by the Steering Committee.
Transitory Use of Recreational Vehicles. Residential use and occupancy of up to two (2) recreational vehicles without water, sewage disposal, or electricity hook-ups on any lot that permits a residential use outside of the area affected by the Camp Fire shall be allowed for the transitory period. Use after the transitory period shall be subject to a temporary administrative permit, full hook-ups to water, sewage disposal, and electricity, and subject to the applicable standards set forth in Subsection E, Standards.
Temporary Dwellings with Utility Hook-ups. Residential use and occupancy of up to two (2) temporary dwellings utilizing hook-ups for water, sewage disposal, and electricity shall be allowed during the effective period of this article subject to a temporary administrative permit, and subject to the applicable requirements set forth in Subsection E, Standards.
Temporary Recreational Vehicle Parks. The establishment of temporary recreational vehicle parks without requiring hook-ups to water, sewage disposal, and electricity in Commercial, Industrial, FR (Foothill Residential), RR (Rural Residential), PD (Planned Development), P (Public), and RBP (Research and Business Park) zoning districts, and in parking lots of religious and community facilities, and in AG (Agriculture) zones when an approved residential specific plan exists, and when said specific plan is identified under the Butte County General Plan, or in AG (Agriculture) zones located inside a city's approved sphere of influence that are classified as grazing or other lands as defined by the State Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program and having a combined parcel size greater than twenty (20) acres and subject to all additional requirements, such as the three hundred (300) foot agricultural buffer, flood zones, and airport land use compatibility zones shall be allowed for the transitory period. Temporary recreational vehicle parks that are served with water, sewage disposal, and electricity hook-ups may continue for the effective period of this article. Basecamp features may be located in the same zones as temporary recreational vehicle parks, except for the FR (Foothill Residential) and RR (Rural Residential) zones. Temporary recreational vehicle parks and basecamp features are subject to a temporary administrative permit and subject to the applicable requirements set forth under Subsection E, Standards.
Standards. After the transitory period, all residential uses of recreational vehicles shall meet the following standards. Use of temporary dwellings shall at all times meet the following standards.
Recreational vehicles and temporary dwellings shall have full hook-ups to water, sewage disposal, and electricity.
The property owner or the property owner's authorized agent shall obtain a temporary administrative permit for the effective period of this article. Written consent of the property owner is required in all cases.
Use of temporary dwellings is contingent on proof of a damaged or destroyed residence as verified by the Director based on prior final building permit or Assessor's records, or other documentation satisfactory to the Director.
The residential use of recreational vehicles and temporary dwellings is limited to vehicles and dwellings not on a permanent foundation and used to house displaced persons during the effective period set forth in Section 53-32 above.
The residential use of recreational vehicles and temporary dwellings shall be located outside of required setbacks established in Chapter 24 of the Butte County Code.
The residential use of recreational vehicles and temporary dwellings shall be located outside of the boundaries of any recorded easements.
The recreational vehicle, basecamp feature, or temporary dwelling shall be connected to an approved source of water meeting one (1) of the following criteria:
Public water supply;
Existing well provided that it has been approved by the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division as safe for domestic consumption; or,
Other water source as approved by the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division.
The recreational vehicle, basecamp feature, or temporary dwelling shall be connected to an approved sewage disposal system meeting one (1) of the following criteria:
Public sewer system;
Existing on-site sewage disposal system that has been approved by the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division to be intact, adequately sized, and functioning following the disaster;
Temporary holding tank with a contract with a pumping company for regular pumping. A copy of the contract shall be provided to the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division; or
Other method of sewage disposal approved by the Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Division.
The recreational vehicle, basecamp feature, or temporary dwelling shall be connected to an approved source of electricity meeting one (1) of the following criteria:
Permitted electrical service hook-up; or
Other power source approved by the Director.
The following additional standards apply to temporary recreational vehicle parks and basecamp features:
Except for AG (Agriculture) zoned parcels which shall be a minimum total of twenty (20) acres, parcels shall be a minimum of two (2) acres in size.
All areas occupied by recreational vehicles and/or basecamp features and access aisles, driveways, and roads shall have an all-weather surface capable of supporting a forty thousand (40,000) lb. load that will allow for ingress and egress of fire apparatus to within one hundred fifty (150) feet of all units and a vertical clearance of no less than fifteen (15) feet.
Driveways and aisles shall have a minimum width of twenty-five (25) feet.
A county encroachment permit must be obtained for all new and existing driveway approaches to publicly maintained roads as specified in the County Improvement Standards.
The temporary administrative permit may be subject to additional requirements from Butte County Fire, Butte County Public Works, the State Housing and Community Development Department, and the State Regional Water Quality Control Board.
The following additional standards apply to temporary recreational vehicle parks and basecamp features in the FR (Foothill Residential) and RR (Rural Residential) zones.
Basecamps are not permitted.
Parcels shall be a minimum of five (5) acres in size.
No more than two (2) recreational vehicles shall be allowed per acre.
There shall be a 25-foot setback from all property lines for all recreational vehicles and related improvements.
Quiet hours shall be maintained from 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., during which generators shall not be operated and noise levels shall conform to Butte County Code Chapter 41A, Noise Control.
All outdoor lighting shall be located, adequately shielded, and directed such that no direct light falls outside the property line, or into the public right-of-way in accordance with the Butte County Zoning Ordinance, Article 14, Outdoor Lighting.
One (1) on-site parking space shall be provided per recreational vehicle.
Each temporary administrative permit application for a temporary recreational vehicle park and basecamp feature shall be accompanied by a detailed plan for the restoration or reclamation of the subject property to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. At minimum, a plan for restoration or reclamation shall include clearance of the site of all recreational vehicles and related structures and removal of all-weather surfaces and utilities constructed for said park unless there is a separate application under the Zoning Ordinance to permit the improvements.
Lands upon which temporary recreational vehicle parks and basecamp features in AG (Agriculture) zones are located shall be restored to their prior agricultural use or other agricultural use as approved by the Zoning Administrator prior to the expiration of this ordinance. A performance guarantee as provided by Section 24-245 of Butte County Code in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per acre of land disturbed by the temporary recreational vehicle park and basecamp feature shall be paid prior to site disturbance activities to ensure that site restoration and reclamation is completed to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator. Lands shall be reclaimed to the satisfaction of the Zoning Administrator prior to release of the performance guarantee.
(Ord. No. 4154 , § 2, 1-29-19; Ord. No. 4158 , § 3, 2-26-19)
Editor's note
Ord. No. 4158 , § 3, adopted February 26, 2019, renamed § 53-34 from "residential use of recreational vehicles" to "residential use of recreational vehicles and temporary dwellings."